Monday, September 26, 2011

My work in the crop!

Let me tell you I had a blast the last weekend. I went to a great crop, and had a lot of fun there. Thanks to the Hot Mess Scrappers Ink .
Here is the prove I really work there not just party ;)

Check the video!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Mis proyectos de esta semana!

Sorry for not write to much... I am back to work and kind of tired all day long... but I want to share anyways what had been doing this week.

Dress form Tag:
 Mas cards:

Another card:
 And more Layouts...

My kind of Jewelry box...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Mis trabajos de esta semana!

Yo estoy de vuelta en el trabajo. Eso implica que estoy cansada! Pero siempre hay tiempo para crear algo. Aqui mis projectos de la semana!

I am back at work! So... I had been really tired! But we always take some time to create. This are the projects of this week! 

Card #1
LSH Layout Challenge